Smoking on Campus, a Great Inconvenience


As someone who enjoys cigars and tobacco in general I can't tell you how awkward it is to smoke while living on campus. In an age where smoking is heavily villanized and where a student cannot have a simple cigarette on campus. I think it disadvantages many people who still want to smoke legally. Think about restaurants and amusement parks that have smoking areas outside.  
    Why can't EMU have designated smoking areas? Think about this You're over 21, you live on campus and you don't want to smoke in your car, all you want is to enjoy a cigarette but you're on campus. You have nowhere to smoke, it is 10:30 at night you can go off campus and smoke at some sketchy bench or park and probably risk your safety. Imagine the convenience of having a designated smoking area on campus so it is safe and you don't have to deal with people judging you.
